Sort array of custom objects by date swift

i0S Swift Issue

Question or problem with Swift language programming:

I have a custom object “Meeting” I am adding all the objects in an array. What I want to do is sort the array from Meeting.meetingDate.

I’m also using Parse, I have two queries and putting the results into one array.

I am able to add the data to “meetingData”, but not sort it.

Can anyone help with this?

So my array is:

var meetingsData = [Meeting]()

The Meeting class is:

public class Meeting: PFObject, PFSubclassing

  @NSManaged public var meetingTitle: String?
  @NSManaged public var meetingLocation: String?
  @NSManaged public var meetingNotes: String?
  @NSManaged public var meetingDuration: String?
  @NSManaged public var createdBy: User?
  @NSManaged public var meetingTime: NSDate?
  @NSManaged public var meetingDate: NSDate?


The contents of the array is like so:

createdBy = "";
meetingDate = "2015-08-29 17:07:12 +0000";
meetingDuration = "2 hours 2 mins";
meetingLocation = 4th Floor;
meetingNotes = With Investors;
meetingTime = "2015-08-24 09:00:17 +0000";
meetingTitle = Meeting with Investors;
createdBy = "";
meetingDate = "2015-08-23 23:00:00 +0000";
meetingDuration = "1 hour";
meetingLocation = "Emirates Stadium, London";
meetingNotes = "Football";
meetingTime = "2000-01-01 20:00:00 +0000";
meetingTitle = "Liverpool V Arsenal";
createdBy = "";
meetingDate = "2015-09-23 23:00:00 +0000";
meetingDuration = "1 hour";
meetingLocation = "Library";
meetingNotes = "Dev Team";
meetingTime = "2000-01-01 10:00:00 +0000";
meetingTitle = "Code Review";

I have tried to do this Swift how to sort array of custom objects by property value but it doesn’t work

Thanks in advance

How to solve the problem:

Solution 1:

For Swift 4

Sorting by timestamp

values.sorted(by: { $0.meetingDateTimestamp > $1. meetingDateTimestamp })

Solution 2:

NSDate can’t be compared with < directly. You can use NSDate‘s compare method, like in the following code:

meetingsData.sort({ $$1.meetingDate) == .OrderedAscending })

In the above code you can change the order of the sort using the NSComparisonResult enum, that in Swift is implemented like the following:

enum NSComparisonResult : Int {
   case OrderedAscending
   case OrderedSame
   case OrderedDescending

I hope this help you.

Solution 3:

For Swift 3

meetingsData.sort(by: { $$1.meetingDate) == .orderedAscending})


As dates are now directly comparable in Swift 3, For example.

   let firstDate = Date()
   let secondDate = Date()

   if firstDate < secondDate {    
   } else if firstDate == secondDate {        
   } else if firstDate > secondDate {        

Hope this helps!