Converting html to text with Python
Question or problem about Python programming: I am trying to convert an html block to text using Python.
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: I am trying to convert an html block to text using Python.
Continue Reading, not picking up subsequent paragraphs
Question or problem about Python programming: Firstly, I am a complete newbie when it comes to Python. However, I have written a piece of code to look at an RSS feed, open the link and extract the text from the article. This is what I have so far:
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: I’m trying to remove all the html/javascript using bs4, however, it doesn’t get rid of javascript. I still see it there with the text. How can I get around this?
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: After I installed BeautifulSoup, Whenever I run my Python in cmd, this warning comes out.
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: I would like to scrape a list of items from a website, and preserve the order that they are presented in. These items are organized in a table, but they can be one of two different classes (in random order).
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: I am using Python 2.7 + BeautifulSoup 4.3.2.
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: I am using BeautifulSoup to look for user entered strings on a specific page. For example, I want to see if the string ‘Python’ is located on the page:
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: Currently I have code that does something like this:
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: If I want to scrape a website that requires login with password first, how can I start scraping it with python using beautifulsoup4 library? Below is what I do for websites that do not require login.
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: From what I can make out, the two main HTML parsing libraries in Python are lxml and BeautifulSoup. I’ve chosen BeautifulSoup for a project I’m working on, but I chose it for no particular reason other than finding the syntax a bit easier to learn and understand. But I […]
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