What does @ in `-rw-r–r–@` mean in the `ls -l` output?
Question or issue on macOS: I was examining output of ls -l in by bash completion folder on Mac OS X
Continue ReadingQuestion or issue on macOS: I was examining output of ls -l in by bash completion folder on Mac OS X
Continue ReadingQuestion or issue on macOS: I’m trying to do the following on OSX:
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: How can I simply strip all tags from an element I find in BeautifulSoup?
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: I would like to get all the
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: I am trying to install BeautifulSoup using pip in Python 2.7. I keep getting an error message, and can’t understand why. I followed the instructions to install pip, which was installed to the following directory: c:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe, then I tried adding it to the path, and running the pip install […]
Continue ReadingQuestion or issue on macOS: –full-time is a handy little option for ls but it doesn’t work when used in a batch file. ls -al –full-time when used at the command prompt yields a an expanded date and time: used in a bash script I got this: is there any way around this. How to […]
Continue ReadingQuestion or issue on macOS: I’m trying to find some way in Cocoa to translate from file extensions to Uniform Type Identifiers. That is, I want to find some way of doing this:
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: How would I, using BeautifulSoup, search for tags containing ONLY the attributes I search for?
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: I have installed BeautifulSoup using easy_install and trying to run following script
Continue ReadingQuestion or problem about Python programming: I’m learning python requests and BeautifulSoup. For an exercise, I’ve chosen to write a quick NYC parking ticket parser. I am able to get an html response which is quite ugly. I need to grab the lineItemsTable and parse all the tickets.
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