Question or issue of Kotlin Programming:
How can I represent a “many to many” relation with Room? My column names are also the same.
e.g. I have Guest and Reservation. Reservation can have many Guest’s and a Guest can be part of many Reservations.
Here are my entity definitions:
@Entity data class Reservation( @PrimaryKey val id: Long, val table: String, val guests: List ) @Entity data class Guest( @PrimaryKey val id: Long, val name: String, val email: String )
While looking into docs I came across @Relation. I found it really confusing though.
According to this I would want to create a POJO and add the relationships there. So, with my example I did the following:
data class ReservationForGuest( @Embedded val reservation: Reservation, @Relation( parentColumn = "", entityColumn = "id", entity = Guest::class ) val guestList: List )
With above I get the compiler error:
> Cannot figure out how to read this field from a cursor.
I wasn’t able to find a working sample of @Relation.
How to solve this issue?
Solution no. 1:
I had a similar issue. Here is my solution.
You can use an extra entity (ReservationGuest
) which keeps the relation between Guest
and Reservation
@Entity data class Guest( @PrimaryKey val id: Long, val name: String, val email: String ) @Entity data class Reservation( @PrimaryKey val id: Long, val table: String ) @Entity data class ReservationGuest( @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) val id: Long, val reservationId: Long, val guestId: Long )
You can get reservations with their list of guestId
s. (Not the guest objects)
data class ReservationWithGuests( @Embedded val reservation:Reservation, @Relation( parentColumn = "id", entityColumn = "reservationId", entity = ReservationGuest::class, projection = "guestId" ) val guestIdList: List )
You can also get guests with their list of reservationId
s. (Not the reservation objects)
data class GuestWithReservations( @Embedded val guest:Guest, @Relation( parentColumn = "id", entityColumn = "guestId", entity = ReservationGuest::class, projection = "reservationId" ) val reservationIdList: List )
Since you can get the guestId
s and reservationId
s, you can query Reservation
and Guest
entities with those.
I’ll update my answer if I find an easy way to fetch Reservation and Guest object list instead of their ids.
Similar answer
Solution no. 2:
With the introduction to Junction in room you can handle many-to-many relationship with ease.
As @Devrim stated you can use an extra entity (ReservationGuest) which keeps the relation between Guest and Reservation(also know as associative table or junction table or join table).
@Entity data class Guest( @PrimaryKey val gId: Long, val name: String, val email: String ) @Entity data class Reservation( @PrimaryKey val rId: Long, val table: String ) @Entity( primaryKeys = ["reservationId", "guestId"] ) data class ReservationGuest( val reservationId: Long, val guestId: Long )
Now you can get reservation with guests using this model:
data class ReservationWithGuests ( @Embedded val reservation: Reservation, @Relation( parentColumn = "rId", entity = Guest::class, entityColumn = "gId", associateBy = Junction( value = ReservationGuest::class, parentColumn = "reservationId", entityColumn = "guestId" ) ) val guests: List )
You can also get guest with their list of reservations as.
data class GuestWithReservations ( @Embedded val guest: Guest, @Relation( parentColumn = "gId", entity = Reservation::class, entityColumn = "rId", associateBy = Junction( value = ReservationGuest::class, parentColumn = "guestId", entityColumn = "reservationId" ) ) val reservations: List )
Now you can query database for the result as:
@Dao interface GuestReservationDao { @Query("SELECT * FROM Reservation") fun getReservationWithGuests(): LiveData> @Query("SELECT * FROM Guest") fun getGuestWithReservations(): LiveData> }
Solution no. 3:
Actually there is one more possibility to get Guest
list, not only id’s like in @Devrim answer.
First define class which will represent the connection between Guest
and Reservation
@Entity(primaryKeys = ["reservationId", "guestId"], foreignKeys = [ ForeignKey(entity = Reservation::class, parentColumns = ["id"], childColumns = ["reservationId"]), ForeignKey(entity = Guest::class, parentColumns = ["id"], childColumns = ["guestId"]) ]) data class ReservationGuestJoin( val reservationId: Long, val guestId: Long )
Each time you will be inserting new Reservation
, you will have to insert ReservationGuestJoin
object in order to fulfill foreign key constraint.
And now if you want to get Guest
list you can use power of SQL query:
@Dao interface ReservationGuestJoinDao { @SuppressWarnings(RoomWarnings.CURSOR_MISMATCH) @Query(""" SELECT * FROM guest INNER JOIN reservationGuestJoin ON = reservationGuestJoin.guestId WHERE reservationGuestJoin.reservationId = :reservationId """) fun getGuestsWithReservationId(reservationId: Long): List }
To see more details visit this blog.
Solution no. 4:
Here is a way to query a full object model through an M:N junction table in a single query. The subqueries are probably not the most efficient way to do this, but it does work until they get @Relation
to properly walk through ForeignKey
. I hand-jammed the Guest/Reservation framework into my working code so there may be typos.
Entity (This has been covered)
@Entity data class Guest( @PrimaryKey val id: Long, val name: String, val email: String ) @Entity data class Reservation( @PrimaryKey val id: Long, val table: String ) @Entity data class ReservationGuest( @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) val id: Long, val reservationId: Long, val guestId: Long )
Dao (Note we pull in the M:N via a subquery and reduce the extra Reservation
rows with a GROUP_CONCAT
@Query("SELECT *, " + "(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(table) " + "FROM ReservationGuest " + "JOIN Reservation " + "ON = ReservationGuest.reservationId " + "WHERE ReservationGuest.guestId = AS tables, " + "FROM guest") abstract LiveData> getGuests();
GuestResult (This handles the mapping of the query result, note we convert the concatenated string back to a list with @TypeConverter
@TypeConverters({ReservationResult.class}) public class GuestResult extends Guest { public List tables; @TypeConverter public List fromGroupConcat(String reservations) { return Arrays.asList(reservations.split(",")); } }
Solution no. 5:
For the join table entity, I suggest to use a composite ID indexed:
@Entity( primaryKeys = ["reservationId", "guestId"], indices = [Index(value =["reservationId", "guestId"], unique = true)] ) data class ReservationGuestJoin( @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) var id: Long, var reservationId: Long = 0, var guestId: Long = 0 )
The GuestDao.kt:
@Dao @TypeConverters(GuestDao.Converters::class) interface GuestDao { @Query(QUERY_STRING) fun listWithReservations(): LiveData> data class GuestWithReservations( var id: Long? = null, var name: String? = null, var email: String? = null, var reservations: List = emptyList() ) class Converters{ @TypeConverter fun listReservationFromConcatString(value: String?): List? = value?.let { value -> .split("^^") .map { it.split("^_") } .map { Reservation(id = it.getOrNull(0)?.toLongOrNull(), name = it.getOrNull(1)) } } ?: emptyList() } }
. We make a inner joins to produce a big table with data from both entities, them we concatenate the data from Reservation
as a column string and lastly we group_concat the rows by the guest ID, concatenating the reservation strings with different separators, our converter will take care of rebuild it as a entity:
SELECT,,, GROUP_CONCAT(t.reservation, '^^') as reservations FROM ( SELECT guestId as id, name, email, (reservationId || '^_' || reservationTable) as reservation FROM GuestReservationJoin INNER JOIN Guest ON = GuestReservationJoin.guestId INNER JOIN Reservation ON = GuestReservationJoin.reservationId ) as t GROUP BY
Note that I changed your column table
name because I think Room do not allow you to use SQLite reserved names.
I didn’t test the performance of all this compared with have more flat entity (another option without the concatenations). If I do, I’ll update my answer.
Solution no. 6:
Based on the answer above: only by keeping separate field names between entities
you can have models returned (not just ids). All you need to do is:
@Entity data class ReservationGuest( @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) val id: Long, val reservationId: Long, @Embedded val guest: Guest )
And yes entities can be embedded in one another as long as you don’t keep duplicate fields. So in consequence the ReservationWithGuests class can look like this.
data class ReservationWithGuests( @Embedded val reservation:Reservation, @Relation( parentColumn = "id", entityColumn = "reservationId", entity = ReservationGuest::class, projection = "guestId" ) val guestList: List )
So at this point you can use val guestIdList: List because your ReservationGuest entity actually maps ids with entity models.