Swift can a switch case statement have multiple arguments?

i0S Swift Issue

Question or problem in the Swift programming language:

If I have set my cases in enum, can I call multiple of those cases in a switch statement? aka case .a, .b: return true

enum myLetters {
  case a
  case b
  case c

    var myCondition: Bool {
      switch self {
      case .a, .b: return true
      case .c: return false
      default: return false

How to solve the problem:

Solution 1:

Yes, take a look at Swift’s documentation on switch statement.

In order to achieve what you want, you need to check for the current value of myLetters:

var myCondition: Bool {
    switch self {
    case .a, .b: return true
    case .c: return false

Solution 2:

If you want to group cases with the same assosiated value, you can do the following:

var myCondition: Bool {
  switch self {
  case .a(let value), .b(let value): return value
  case .c(let value1, let value2): // do stuff with value1 and value 2

Unfortunately you can’t currently combine the let statements to a single one.

Hope this helps!